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I forgot how much I liked BILLIONS and what there is about it that appeals to me so much. It's set, design in backdrop in harmony with fashion with distinct aesthetics.
It feels right to attempt to align my goals and vision of this site and this name: graFX.online } a website waiting to be launched.
The commitment to the overall aesthetic appeal in gifted graphic design. As disciples of Steve Jobs, who was King of aesthetic MEETS technology.
What is wrong with being a Keyster? As if it is a new definition to unfold. A reference by the new eerie staff psychologist enjoyed by those lucky enough to be invited to join the "FIRM" :: a masterful assembly of quirkie characters and ever-present wannabes clambering to drown out our faith and belief in finding their own personalized GOLDEN KEY. I'd say it is a FAN ~tical way of climbing the rubble of the HIPSTERS {not the DOers} to become the followed, inspirational, helpful, beautiful portrayals of the kind in humanKIND.
I will devote this blog to become the creative center of the universe ~online. To inspire better aesthetics to frame their talented words or gift that helps others. Whether it be a word like "Keyster" that define who they are.
To raise the aesthetic value to every discerning eye. Focused on beauty, design, a mood with keys and a mouse. Another reason that KEYsters should emerge victorious and a label by their own design.
Devoid of SCAMsters because anyone can be blocked or bounced by a majority of only a few. Not allowing GREED to replace fair compensation. For ideas that are not very tangible in this drifting, floating world. Often plagiarized by the cunning [mostly in their own eyes] this group of KEYSters are united in expelling corruption, falsehoods, schemes.
SCAMsters void.
Almost utopia with kindness, support, encouragement, and aesthetic ideas. To continue to strive to be better, never satisfied unless it is the best. With pause, recognizing improvements, naked except to the most discerning eye.
the ONEinAbillionWILLshine
With gifts in kind. Given in KINDness. Do you know that you can actually GIFT anyone most anything?
there needs to be an APP for this
Linked to the most reputable, safely encrypted e.commerce sites like APPLE + AMAZON to PAYPAL to VISA whereby through the social media APP or PLATFORM like Twitter, LinkedIN, FACEbook or GOOGLE have your entrusted, verified by mail (only a postcard mailed in an envelope for privacy and security reasons), PERSONAL details so that you may receive gifts-in-KIND.
Are sent by anyone who wants to send their appreciation and recognition for the writer or artists efforts.
maybe a borrowed IDEA
From hence the found, from knowing you, from reading your posts, by personal reveals more comfortable in perceived SAFEty zones like TWITTER, PINterest, instaGRAM or FACEbook.
finally a way
to reward ideas. Borrowed dreams. Adopted some norms like inspiration, education, aesthetic beauty. For without the KEYSters, hidden will be the BEST #ideas ::... or stolen by the cheats.
together we'll UNCOVER
beautiful photography, extraordinary art, wise words, poetic lyrics ~ all surrounded by visual marvels. It could be a website, it could be ways to create your own personalized visuals. A few tutorials, let's say.
if an APP developer
wants to reach out to me to create this vision encountered today ::.... please DO. The creation of a KEYster community will be leaning on the best of the best, to create the very best.
No takers allowed.
If you are just here to expel your own schTUFF then be gone. The true spirit of a positive karma and culture is in the giving and guidance towards a true destiny.
A destiny of believers.
In each other's gifts. Not always apparent. Sometimes forgotten. Some who have lost faith. ReKINDled in imagination sprinkling out like glitter. Its value far beyond the most expensive diamond ever found.
are reformed yuppies, softened around the edges by time or life's lessons. Not exclusive in age or culture or beliefs or color but inclusive of excellence. Ready to recognize wonderful talent, devoid of envy or egotistical rebuff.
DO YOU wanna JOIN?
There are a few KEYS to admission:
- you will only share IDEAS discovered here with FULL credit to the originator (with a TWEET [you won't feel comfortable here if you don't have a @Twitter id]; FACEbook like, comment/share, share; rePIN, rePOST, reTWEET #rt or whatEVER.
- you will faithfully comment and vote to show the best creations around for others to aspire to compliment with a version of their own ... for sharing on here or subsequent www.graFX.online which I seem to have replaced, and it's stressing me out.
- you will share your skills, talent, ideas for others to admire, aspire or share with the #bestofeverything hashtag, where anyone and everyone is entitled to vote. Not a popularity contest that appeals to those who stroke the ego of others with hope of being blessed with reward of an acknowledgement, a sniff of scorn as to they do to their interpretation of the world and the little people without which they would have no one to build their own belief in their own iconic persona.
- you will populate with comments and share tips for others to learn by. As a supportive, creative community we will commit to be your biggest CHEER+leaders. Faithfully, loyally and with admiration. Celebrating accomplishments together. Being leaned upon when fear penetrates another, whether by virtue of relationship, career, or health ~ we'll hold you up so you don't fall.
I hope you like this idea.
One of many which crowd my mind during various intervals in my day. Regardless of whether I'm driving, or trying to drift off to sleep. Often they jump out at me and I fail to write them down. This is one that I'm sticking to. I believe there is a need for a safe, creative community for online persons. A central repository of resources by talent exposed through sharing, creates the environment of learning about creativity.
Perhaps there actually IS an APP developer who wanders around trying to find someone to expound his vast knowledge and navigational supremacy to be united with an aesthetic vision along with a PERSONALITY to execute to the finish LINE [that keeps on moving as we stretch our reach to things beyond our wildest dreams].
This blog may come in bursts or it may slow down to a chug ... chug ... chug ::... as a steam engine who slows down, weighed down by the many more passengers ....:: more likely by distractions.
I seem to be exploding with ideas these days with almost no effort on completion. An online attention-deficit attention-span. I whine to myself [ a LOT more than I should ] if only I were writing and creating more full time? The dream of being paid, evaporating with each passing months.
The quality of viewers is really rising to the top. IF what I take from what Twitter tells me about my followers or readership and linkedIN about views, they are:
Were you paying attention?
24% of my viewers on Twitter net worth is $2 million, yes as in dollars, I am guessing GREEN American Dollars. They also buy brands, they mostly buy online [no surprise there because they are busy LIVING life in the best way they know how].
in the making do you think? Tell me what better demographics or audience would you be looking for in your crowd? I challenge you to find me something better in quality. There are many others that can magnify shear numbers, but that lesson has gotten old hasn't it?
You get what you PAY for?
Do you still say that or is it more satisfying if you think you've won a deal? Me, I prefer finding a treasure, sometimes unappreciated, yet rarely without brilliance. There are brands paying for "brand ambassadors" but what sort of even-playing-field ROI are they using? I guess that is part of the mystery that will unfold, if I take it as a pet project, sharing discoveries along the way. If you stay tuned regularly, to my various charades or posts or blogs because you'll never know what will pop out and have value. Earning a real income from what my worth really is. Decided and determined by the continued elevation of numbers, while holding steadfast to the quality of few.
Movers and shakers?
Nah, I say they're KEYSters just like me!